Неофициална информация за пачове (data mine)
Публикувано: 15 апр 2015, 16:12
2.3 Preview
- Since years players are complaining about the mousepointer and how easy it is lost. People also complained about the amount of gfx clutter especially when playing in groups. Our devs discussed for month and decided that the best way to deal with both problems at once is to give the player the option to turn off the mousepointer completely thus reducing the clutter AND removing the disliked mouse pointer
- Stash space. With patch 2.3 this will be finally a non issue. By redesigning our items, there will be only one good set of equipment and elemental type for each character class. So your stash problems should be likely a thing of the past.
- Veiled Crystal drop rate will be doubled
- New addition tooltips for Conduit and Power Pylons: removes all elite groups until timer runs out
- Trials will be different from now on. We listened to your concerns about that trials actually have nothing to do with the actual greater rift so from now on the current trials will be renamed to "Pretrials". The pretrial must be run to determine which actual trial will be opened for the player(s). The new trial will most likely contain different kinds of elite groups with a 20 second countdown after each wave. Also we are very proud of our new result screen which will be shown after a 15 seconds long non-skip able cutscene after each wave.
- Also keys will only work with the exact group you farmed with. Example: a 44 Grift which was obtained by three players will be only usable for this exact player combination. The key will show the players like the legendaries show the tradable persons. This is to prevent beginners to be overwhelmed by too difficult rifts
- Since upgrading keys is made unnecessary by these changes, the only option after a grift will be to upgrade the gem
- Demon Hunter: We buffed all of the skills to support a more fluid gamestyle
- Witch Doctor: removed the runspeed from Spirit Walk
- Reintroduced health potions and removed the legendaries ones
- Made health potions a non stackable item so players value their inventory space more
- The cooldown of health potions is cut by 5 seconds
- Added a new goblin type which drops (up to 200 on T6) health potions if killed. Since we know how hard goblins are to kill and how frustrating it is to see one escape, each player gets about 50% of the potions directly in his inventory if a goblin manages to escape
- To support more trading, the three lowest tiers of gems are no longer bound on account
- Since bloodshards look so few compared to gold we will increase the cost of items and the drop rate by the factor 10. We won't change the bloodshard cap for now but we will see over the next few years how this pans out
- The gilded goblin has now a chance to drop a veiled crystal